Call for Proposals
Submissions are Due May 9, 2025
17th Annual Imagery International Conference
Awakening and Illuminating Our World with Imagery
Friday, October 17-Sunday, October 19, 2025
The 17th Annual Conference which will be held virtually on the Zoom Platform.
Submit your proposal here:
Imagery International is excited to announce our theme, Awakening and Illuminating Our World with Imagery.
The Imagery International Conference brings together diverse imagery practitioners from various fields to share how they use imagery in their work, as it relates to each year's theme. Past presenters have included nurses, therapists, curanderas, artists, shamans, movement professionals, coaches and others. Shared practices ranged from guided, interactive, integrative imagery to hypnotherapy, dream tending, depth psychology, storytelling, movement experiences and more.
What do the words, "Awakening” or “illuminating” evoke for you? If you are inspired, we invite you to submit a proposal to share your imagery experience and practices in a workshop at this year’s conference.
To be considered, your workshop presentation must:
- Align with our conference theme.
- Include a course outline which reflects the use of both experiential activities and lecture, with the emphasis on experiential.
- Fit within a 90-minute total timeframe, including 15 minutes for audience Q&A at the end. (Your presentation will be 75 minutes.)
- Please note: All parts of the application must be completed when submitted. Otherwise, the proposal will not be considered.
The proposal deadline is May 09, 2025. However, the earlier we receive your proposal the better!
Please email with any questions.
In order to submit your proposal, please have ready:
- Name, address, email & phone number
- 25-50 word biography
- Title of presentation and 150 word abstract
- Detailed outline, for 75 minute presentation, including experiential elements
- Three learning objectives for your presentation
- Three citations to support your presentation
- Upload-able resumé
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Proposal Form:
Please email with any questions.