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Imagery International Recordings 

Visit our YouTube Playlists to access free recordings.

II Original Podcast Series

II Webinars on YouTube

Imagery International Audio Recordings

The free webinars on video can be found on our Youtube Channel. Some webinar titles are listed below. Some are FREE and we welcome you to listen. Become a member to listen to any webinar FREE of charge, otherwise, scroll below to see webinars for purchase.

May 15, 2024  Family Constellations and Imagery with Katherine Revoir - FREE
February 9, 2023  Dream Imagery and Artistic Expression with Darcie Richardson, PhD - FREE
May 13, 2021   Conscious Colors & Imagery with Constance Hart - FREE
April 29, 2021  Using Imagery for OCD with Jann Fredrickson Ramus - FREE
March 18, 2021   Imagery Roundtable with Susan Ezra - FREE
February 4, 2021
 Symbolic Imagery with Kathe Caldwell, CCHT - see below to purchase
December 17, 2020   Gratitude Practices to De-Stress for the Holidays, Marie Eastman - FREE
September 17, 2020   Eating Disorder and Recovery - Using Imagery as a complimentary tool -  scroll below to purchase
August 7, 2020   Imagery Roundtable with Susan Ezra, RN - FREE
July 1, 2020   Reimaging - - see below to purchase
June 18, 2020   Imagery using Altered States with Nick Brink, PhD - FREE
June 21, 2020   Imagery Panel - click here for Glenda's handout - FREE
April 1, 2020   Approaches to Imagery with Mary Diggin, PhD - see below to purchase
February 16, 2020   Using Imagery with Borderline Personality Disorder - - see below to purchase
March 19, 2020   Preventing Corona Virus using Imagery - FREE
August 22, 2019   Richness of Dream Imagery  - FREE
March 21, 2019   Preventing Stroke using Guided Imagery - see below to purchase
February 20, 2019   The Inner Critic - From Adversary to Ally - see below to purchase
May 6, 2019   Love's Mystery (MyStory) an Imagery of the Heart - FREE
June 12, 2018   Healing Plantar Fasciitis with Imagery - FREE
March 22, 2017   A Free II Teleseminar on Compassion Fatigue - FREE
January 18, 2017   Teleseminar: Dynamic Public Speaking - FREE
September 06, 2016   Cinematherapy: A Transformative Catalyst - FREE
August 05, 2015    Health Coaching and Integrative Imagery Teleseminar - FREE
June 24, 2015   The Dance of Imagery & Reiki: A Meaningful Relationship - FREE

Click Here to Donate to support these FREE podcasts, Thank You!

Non-Members can purchase any webinars by clicking below. Webinars are $15 each.

If you are a member, click here to listen for FREE

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Imagery International, a non-profit 501(C)6, is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers and members feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

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