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Conscious Color Webinar with Constance Hart

  • May 13, 2021
  • 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Zoom


  • Become a member and attend our webinars FREE!

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A Conscious Colors® Imagery Practice

with Constance Hart

Experience a creative guided imagery utilizing color as an ally to help shift energy around a challenge/issue and move into active intention-setting. Constance will share insights from a Color Therapy perspective, about utilizing color in your imagery practice. She’ll also introduce a foundational "color feeling list” exercise to help you broaden your awareness of the intersection of color energy and emotional energy.

Session will include a PDF with the complete imagery script and list of colors to start your own color feeling list. You’ll leave feeling inspired to bring more color into your imagery sessions!

May 13, 2021, 4pm PST
FREE to II Members
$20 for Non-Members

No refund for cancellation.

Constance Hart is the Founder/Developer of the Conscious Colors® color therapy modality and the Color Aroma™ color therapy system. She has over 28 years experience as a Color Therapist and has taught guided visualization and meditation for over 30 years. For More Info Visit

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