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We are pleased that several schools are represented in our membership who offer training in specialized uses of imagery, both guided imagery and other types of imagery. The requirements for admittance are different for each. They have individual theories about the approach they take.

Guided imagery is not a regulated field. If you are a professional looking for training we suggest you research the programs carefully before applying and find out how you can incorporate the training into your practice and how your clients will benefit.

Imagery Training Programs

Academy for Guided Imagery

David Bresler, PhD

Malibu, California

AIMI Training at

16 East 96th Street, Suite 1A

New York, New York 10128

Download A Review of AIMI to find out more about  programs offered at AIMI.

Deep Imagery Training

Deep Imagery: The International Institute for Visualization Research offers 3 year programs teaching practitioners to work with the deep imagination. The program is based on the work of Dr. E.S. Gallegos and has been used worldwide for over 30 years. Residential and Distance Learning options are available. and

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Please note our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement:

Imagery International, a non-profit 501(C)6, is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers and members feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

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