The 11th Annual Imagery International Conference, Menlo Park, CA
September 20-22, 2019

Imagery and Pain
Priscilla Abercrombie, RN, NP, PhD, AHN-BC
What is the current research on using imagery for pain? Get up to date on the challenges and rewards of using imagery for the treatment of pain and experience the creative use of imagery to transform pain.
Science of the Senses and Imagination
Sondra Barrett, PhD
Sondra takes us on an exploration into the wonders of the brain and the Science of Neuroplasticity. We will experience the brain’s ability to change in a guided imagery through the five physical senses.
Your #1 Anti-Aging Ingredient Doesn’t Come in a Jar: Using Imagery to Youthen
Eve Delunas, PhD, LMFT
The power of our consciousness has a profound impact on our physical bodies. Through imagery we have access to “the quantum field of limitless possibilities.” Eve will guide us in an imagery to dissolve limitations and access our core vitality.
Exploring Imagery as a Way of Knowing
Mary Diggin, PhD
Mary gives Imagery workshops all over the world and in this highly experiential workshop we will explore Imagery as a way of knowing.
Science and Imagery: Tapping into Your Creative Power
Darlene Frank, BA
Darlene will explore the connection between Imagery and Science as it relates to writing, art, and creativity.
Embodied Wisdom-Mindfulness in Motion and Letting the Body Lead
Jayne Peterson, RN BSN, NC-BC
Jayne calls this "living from the neck up" and most of her workshop will be the Science of movement and the 5Rhythms Mindful Movement.
Educational Goals:
- To present the current science and research that support the transformative power of the imagination.
- To showcase the interconnectedness of the brain, the body, emotions and the mind to promote healing on all levels.
- To expand health practitioner's skill set with applicable imagery tools.
This conference is approved for 9 contact hours for RNs, MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs. Click here for more information