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Transformational Leadership Meets Mental Imagery
with Randy Kasper, PhD LCSW BCD

We are living in a time surrounded by divisiveness while longing for community and connection. We hear a call for leaders who can inspire and motivate. For decades, leadership simply meant wielding authority. In recent years, greater wisdom has prevailed and Transformational Leadership (Burns, 1978) calls for vision, inspiration, and collaboration. An overview of leadership approaches will illuminate the unique gifts that mental imagery affords leaders. Offering a simple and creative approach to enhancing self-awareness, optimizing leader/follower relationships and fostering teamwork, mental imagery is an invaluable addition to a leader's toolkit. Dr. Kasper’s years of working with leaders has demonstrated how mental imagery can help oneself while simultaneously helping others.

Dr. Kasper’s research, Imagine Unity: Leaders' Perspectives on Mental Imagery in the Workplace, has reinforced her long-held belief in the value of mental imagery as a vehicle for enhancing all aspects of our professional as well as our personal lives.

1.5 Contact Hours provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (provider #16504) and continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Approval #138749 

Randy Kasper, PhD LCSW BCD is/has been faculty at California State University San Marcos, CSUSM Dominguez Hills, Alliant International University, and the American Institute for Mental Imagery. She is/has been on several professional and theatre boards, including EAPA, which highlighted leader training. She maintains a practice as a therapist, trainer, speaker, and supervisor.

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