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2024 Conference Description and Educational Goals:

Imagery holds the power to transform each of us emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritually and transpersonally.

Each presenter’s contribution will offer a different view of

Birthing a New World With Imagery

through Shamanic practices, mythology, nature, visual and expressive arts, and archetypal patterns. Each workshop will offer tools and techniques we can use for ourselves and for our clients in our clinical practice.


When the Heart Speaks: Heeding the Still Small Voice

Kate Newburgh

  1. Access the Sacred Space of the Heart through Shamanic Journey.
  2. Discern at least 3 ways to differentiate the voice of the heart and the voice of the conditioned mind.
  3. Acquire inner guidance in order to act on the messages received from the heart using journey and writing.

The Ecology of Our Inner Landscapes

Leslie Davenport

  1. Identify 2 key concepts of climate psychology. 
  2. Determine the relationship between imagery and being an effective changemaker.
  3. Experience one specific imagery approach that deepens the relationship with the natural world.

Reclaiming the Witch: Harnessing Archetypal Imagery for Self Transformation

Cherie Spehar

  1. Describe 3 roles of the Witch Archetype in historical and cultural context.
  2. Experience a guided imagery that facilitates personal discovery through inner wisdom.
  3. Design an external artistic expression to integrate the imagery experience into to tangible insights.

Using Deep Imagery in Rites of Passage: Individual and Collective (re)Births

Margrit Juette

  1. Identify 3 reasons to use Rites of Passage in our lives.
  2. Determine how Deep Imagery PTPP supports the transition process.
  3. Experience a Deep Imagery Journey through a specific Rite of Passage.

Phoenix Rising: Birthing your Transcendent Self

Leri Smith

  1. Identify at least 3 core aspects of the true self, distinct from the body, emotions and mind. 
  2. Examine a vision of one’s highest and best self through 4 areas of life (health, career, relationship, spirituality). 
  3. Experience, through guided meditation, shedding of past outgrown identities to embrace divine presence in our current life.

In the Depths of the Celtic Otherworld: Crafting New Realities through Mythic Imagery

Mary Diggin

  1. Examine 3 examples of Celtic Otherworld mythologies of renewal and transformation.
  2. Apply the insights from these Celtic Otherworld myths to one’s own inner landscape for personal use.
  3. Experience a guided visualization to a Celtic Otherworld to receive guidance and gifts for personal growth.

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Imagery International, a non-profit 501(C)6, is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers and members feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

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